Trace an Email in GMail

Posted by tech master  |  at  10:24 AM

Here are some simple steps involved in retrieving details of the location from where an E Mail has been sent.How to know the details in GMail1. Login to your GMail account.2. Open any eMail, you have received.3. In the right corner you can see Reply


check if your desired username is available

Posted by tech master  |  at  8:57 AM

Check to see if your desired username or vanity url is still available at dozens of popular Social Networking and Social Bookmarking websites. Promote your brand consistently by registering a username that is still available on the majority of the most popular sites. Find the best username with nam


Bollywood on Twitter

Posted by tech master  |  at  11:32 AM

Here is a list of Bollywood Celebrities like Actors, Actresses, Playback Singers and Film Makers who are on Twitter.List of Bollywood Celebrities on Twitter @aishwarya_rai - Aishwarya Rai @sonamakapoor - Sonam Kapoor @priyankachopra - PriyankaChopr


Tutorial:Listen & Record online radio in WMP/Winamp

Posted by tech master  |  at  2:52 AM

In this tutorial, you will need any good sound editor like Audacity or Adobe Audition. I used Audition 1.5 for this tutorial but this doesn't matter.1. Now to access online radio, just copy and paste the links from the following quote in Windows Media Player using File>Open URL..Radio FM 91.5 -


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