Fix Broken Downloads
Posted by tech master |  at 12:17 AM
I hope all of you know this method but those who don't this will be a time/money saver...
All of us download files from internet which always ranges from few KB's to MB's or GB's.
Consider a scenario of you downloading a file (lets say 1GB) through a download manager and after sometime
the file is downloaded till 60% but the site from which you are downloading doesn't support Resume feature.
and all of sudden your download is interrupted because of the following reasons:
1) ISP gone connectivity Error
2) Electricity gone...(no UPS)...dammit!!!
3) Sudden PC restart/shutdown (Oh Man... )
4) Any other condition which suits here
what you will do then,the download manager gave up saying "Source file returned HTML u want to replace it?" but u
don't want an HTML (few KB's)
even if u click on resume the Download Manager will return the same message...
now all u will do is curse the incident and begin downloading from start (0%)
NO but wait before doing the same thing again you can save a hell lot of time by Resuming the download (which u might be thinking should have worked...)
sure it won't work straight away
just follow these simple steps
1) Never yes u hear that right "Never Ever..." click on the Yes button when the above ".HTML.." or any other message appears.Just Ignore/Cancel the Message Box.
2) If you have done step 1 then all is well...Now read the below theory
"All Download Managers including Torrent Downloader (e.g Utorrent) never downloads file in a sequential manner...all they download the file in Random order if u have seen the progress bar"
OK so now your download manager must have 60% (or any other amount) of file downloaded in your harddisk but not as a complete file
the file name would say e.g file001.odp or file001.rtv (the . suffix will differ according to the download managers as all of them append their file extension before it is completed)
so,just take a backup of the above partially downloaded file and delete it from its original location and also delete it from the Download Managers Queue
The above bold line is very very important.
3) Now,go again to the website download link and click the download button the file will start downloading again (from 0%) and now as soon as it completes few KBs just pause the download
and copy/paste back the previous backup file over to new one and click Resume...
Voila! you have your download starting from 60% again (or wherever it was left)
Note: This is helpful for those who have Limited MB plan/Slow internet...even high speed net users can use this method (not to shame)
Well this what I ESP...means I Experimented I succeed I Posted
Also, I m 99% sure that this will work with all of you only 1% chance will be either the Download Manager algorithm is different or may be the source website is doing some crazy stuff to stop this Trick
All of us download files from internet which always ranges from few KB's to MB's or GB's.
Consider a scenario of you downloading a file (lets say 1GB) through a download manager and after sometime
the file is downloaded till 60% but the site from which you are downloading doesn't support Resume feature.
and all of sudden your download is interrupted because of the following reasons:
1) ISP gone connectivity Error
2) Electricity gone...(no UPS)...dammit!!!
3) Sudden PC restart/shutdown (Oh Man... )
4) Any other condition which suits here
what you will do then,the download manager gave up saying "Source file returned HTML u want to replace it?"
even if u click on resume the Download Manager will return the same message...
now all u will do is curse the incident and begin downloading from start (0%)
NO but wait before doing the same thing again you can save a hell lot of time by Resuming the download (which u might be thinking should have worked...)
sure it won't work straight away
just follow these simple steps
1) Never yes u hear that right "Never Ever..." click on the Yes button when the above ".HTML.." or any other message appears.Just Ignore/Cancel the Message Box.
2) If you have done step 1 then all is well...Now read the below theory
"All Download Managers including Torrent Downloader (e.g Utorrent) never downloads file in a sequential manner...all they download the file in Random order if u have seen the progress bar"
OK so now your download manager must have 60% (or any other amount) of file downloaded in your harddisk but not as a complete file
the file name would say e.g file001.odp or file001.rtv (the . suffix will differ according to the download managers as all of them append their file extension before it is completed)
so,just take a backup of the above partially downloaded file and delete it from its original location and also delete it from the Download Managers Queue
The above bold line is very very important.
3) Now,go again to the website download link and click the download button the file will start downloading again (from 0%) and now as soon as it completes few KBs just pause the download
and copy/paste back the previous backup file over to new one and click Resume...
Voila! you have your download starting from 60% again (or wherever it was left)
Note: This is helpful for those who have Limited MB plan/Slow internet...even high speed net users can use this method (not to shame)
Well this what I ESP...means I Experimented I succeed I Posted
Also, I m 99% sure that this will work with all of you only 1% chance will be either the Download Manager algorithm is different or may be the source website is doing some crazy stuff to stop this Trick