Action games improve vision

Posted by tech master  |  at  1:39 PM No comments

After reading the title of this post you would be thinking that how this is possible. But it is possible.

Assuming university of Rochester researchers proved that students who played action video games a few hours a day for a month improved their preformance by 20 per cent at 'clutter test' - something like a standard eye-test.

Chosen for the research were students at the University who hardly played games. Then those students were given the clutter test. This consists of the following: one needs to identify the oreintation of a 'T' thrown somewhere in a clutter of symbols. Then the students were divided in two groups - one group played Tetris for about an hour a day, and other played Unreal Tournament.

After a month, the tetris players hadn't improved and Unreal Tournament players had improved at clutter test.
This proves that action games improves vision.

Now you can tell your parents about this and ask them to buy some good action games for the sake of vision.

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