Get paid to answer

Posted by tech master  |  at  3:43 PM No comments

After reading the title you would be thinking that i this post i am talking about some freelance sites. But here i am not talking about freelance sites, i am talking about Askville.

Askville is something like Yahoo! Answers. It is a site where knowledge can be discussed and shared. You can ask any kind of question you want. A person in the community who shares the same interests and has knowledge on the topic can reply to the question. There can be upto five answers.
The main thing here is that you're awarded experience points based on how good your answers are. Voting on the quality of answer happens after the question has been closed-seven days from the day of posting. The 'best answer' earns 15 points, 'great answer' earns 10 points and a wrong answer gets -5 points.
As you gain points you move up levels; you earn coin payouts according to the level you are in. These can be redeemed at amazon.

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