Run Fedora 7 Inside Windows OS

Posted by tech master  |  at  3:31 PM No comments

You dont need vmware workstation/player(which sometimes slow down ur system) to be installed in your system.
Although the following are required:
1. Qemu (an emulation software)
2. Fedora 7
First download the qemu emulator for windows and extract the content to any of your drive
Go to the folder where you extracted the emulator from the command prompt

Step1: Create an empty hard disk image virtually of any size using the command

qemu-img.exe create -f qcow fedora_7.img 8G

now that we have created a virtual hdd of 8GB in size

Step2: Insert your dvd

qemu.exe -L . -cdrom "\\.\I:" -hda fedora_7.img -m 256 -boot d

this will allow you to perform a normal installation of fedora os. Instead of I: you can specify your dvd drive letter and you can always increase or decrease the ram size allocated by changing the number256

Step3: If installation has finished, you can use installed OS

qemu -L . -hda fedora_7.img -m 256

Optional: Alternatively you can create a batch file for the last step to include the following lines

REM Start qemu on windows.

qemu -L . -hda fedora_7.img -m 256

save the file with any name and extension .BAT(something like Run_Fedora7.bat)
Create a shortcut on desktop to this that when u click the link it will automatically run fedora-7 inside your windows operating system.

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