Face recognition login with BananaScreen

Posted by tech master  |  at  12:23 PM No comments

Your face is ur password!

Heard this b4.. right... the Lenovo ads...

Now, it's not xclusive... and it's not paidware!

BananaSecurity has launched a freeware application BananaScreen which adds face recognition login to your webcam-enabled Windows computer.

Just your smile, all you need to login... that's what they say!

To use, just install BananaScreen and create a face model. Then set up BananaScreen to lock after a predefined amount of inactivity (or hit Alt-L to lock at any time). Once locked, BananaScreen will keep an eye on faces coming and going in front of the camera. When it matches yours, it immediately unlocks your computer. Kool, right?

Well... yes, to an xtent... not entirely foolproof. It's still a beta app, so no guarantees on safety.

If you're not really worried about the fact that it could recognise a pic of u as urselves and login, like the fool it is, this is a very fun login tool. An advantage though... if your facial login doesn't work for some reason, you can still use your regular password.

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