How to call free in any country through yahoo messenger

Posted by tech master  |  at  8:51 PM 28 comments

This is the cool trick by using it you can call all over the world without any cost!!! You got it right bro its free like nothing!!!!
So i think you would wish to make free calls to anyone around the world(it could be any special one your gf/bf)!!!!!!!!
So by now i think you would definately want to make free calls.!!!!!
Besides being free calls these calls cant be traced,so you can do some naughty acts,
but do not misuse this trick!!!!!!!

This trick was known to me by one of my close friends residing at LAHORE(PAK.)!!!

So the trick goes like this=======>>>

* First you should be having yahoo messenger installed in your computer as most generally all
have it but in case if you dont have so because i am a kind hearted by nature so i am
providing you the link to download it!!!

* Sign in yahoo messenger

* There you will see a box right on the top of yahoo messenger
containing some text just like below highlighted in red circle.

* There you will have to type a number which is of U.S.A which is free of cost
The number goes like this..........+18003733411

* When you will call this number after some time a operator will reply and will say "main menu" and then you will have to reply from your mic. "free call"..

* Then the operator will reply something and after sometime a beep would be heard and a dial pad will come up where you will have to dial your destination number and after some time your call will be connected!!!!

* This maximum call limit will be 5 min.
After this if you wish to call again you will have to continue the same procedure!!!!
you can make unlimited calls from your P.C everyday anywhere around the globe.....
biggrinbiggrinl Is'nt It.............

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  1. thats gr8 ! but this nos u provided is a toll free nos i guess but v can make free calls to whereever v want ? india too ? landlines or mobiles ? everything included will do ?

  2. thamk you for adviced

  3. yes u can call anywhere but only for 5 minutes
    then u can do the same procedure again

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  5. how to call from yahoo messenger. we can send sms only

  6. call this no. +18003733411 and say "free call"
    a dial pad will appear then dial the no. you want to call and you can talk upto 5 mins then repeat the process

  7. Superb Blog and very cool trick.

  8. the line is busy all the time pff

  9. the line is busy all the time...

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  11. great man this trick works but the problem is many times it shows that it is busy

  12. so nice and very best tric about unlimited free calls...Thanx Alottt..........

  13. it doesn't work for yemen

  14. i hav try it but operator saying we apologised for inconvenience dere is no facility for free call.pls tell

  15. still i not got the right answer yahoo messanger 10 is not wroking for free call plz give me advice for free calls to saudi arebia

  16. not working only horoscope add

  17. after dialing that number in yahoo messenger how to call that number? please reply me to this on my email id i will be really thankful to you.....thanx

  18. itx nt sayin free call but thre r other options like business n horoscopes etc..plz help me wid ths

  19. What to do when the line is Busy ??? :(

  20. the number is always busssssyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

  21. the line is always busssy na dis not working

  22. I could not do it from sri lanka

  23. What to do when the line is Busy ??? :(


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